Monday, 13 April 2015

This Week in History Series!

This Week in History: Week 16


April 13th: 1570, Birth of Guy Fawkes, who was an English Catholic conspirator to blowing up the Houses of Parliament. He was born in York. (He later died in 1606.)
April 14th: 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre in Washington DC. After he was shot he was carried across the street to Petersen House.
Abraham Lincoln.
April 15th: 1865, Abraham Lincoln, 16th American president, dies from gunshot wound at the of 56.
April 16th: 1705, Queen Anne of England, knighted Isaac Newton at Trinity College, Cambridge.
April 17th: 1790, Benjamin Franklin, US Founding Father, inventor ambassador and writer of Poor Richards Almanac, died at age 84.
April 18th: 1956, Grace Kelly married Prince Rainier III of Monaco in a civil ceremony. Grace becoming Princess Grace of Monaco.
Princess and Prince of Monaco.
April 19th: 1882, Charles Robert Darwin, naturalist and author of Origin of Species, died at age 73.
Thanks for Reading!

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