Wednesday, 3 June 2015

BFF Tag!

BFF Tag: Catherine!

Hi again, This week I'm doing the Tag about my Friend Catherine, we haven't seen each other in a very long time, so here goes!
(If I get any wrong I know She'll tell me :P)
1. When and how did we first meet?
We meet at University in November 2009. We became best of friends more so in the January 2010 once we got to know each other better!
2. Who is your best friend's hero?
Tom Hiddleston, especially as Loki!
3. What is our favourite food?
Subway Sandwiches!
4.  What is your best friend’s biggest fear?
5.      If your best friend were deserted on an island, what are the three things she/he could not live without?
 Probably her phone, Bonnie (Her cat!) and a Lush product!
6.  What three movies does your best friend love the most? 
The Lion King, Thor and the Avengers?
7.      Which is your best friend’s favorite season and why?
Winter, as there is snow and it’s a cooler climate.
8.      If you were out together, what would your best friend eat?
Pizza haha!
9.      Would your best friend watch a chick-flick, action, comedy or a horror movie?
10.  What is your favorite inside joke?
Bowl of MEEATTBAWWLSS! We were in subway and this German guy asked the guy at the counter what a bowl of meatballs was, but it was the way he said it!
11.  What favorite memory do you have of your BFF?
 Probably our random nights out, they all smoosh into one!
12.  Does your best friend have any nicknames?
Cat or Catty.
13.  Can you describe your best friend in one word?
Cat(L) and Me (R) as Cat's!
See you next time!

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