Monday, 22 June 2015

This Week in History Series!

This Week in History: Week 26


June 22nd: 1911, King George V is crowned king of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Canada, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and all his realms and territories beyond the sea.
June 23rd: 1894, birth of Edward VIII, King of Great Brit, Northern Ireland and Emperor of India. He was the oldest son of King George V. He was born in Richmond in Surrey.
June 24th: 1314, the Battle of Bannockburn, where Robert the Bruce fought the English and Scotland regained independence from England.
June 25th: 1483, Edward V, king of England, is murdered. He was one of the Princes in the Tower, and this is the date he and his brother disappeared from the public view, and there are many theories that King Richard III had them murdered in the Tower.
June 26th: 1483, Duke of Gloucester appointed himself King Richard III of England.
June 27th: 1959, the musical "West Side Story" closed at Winter Garden Theatre in New York City after 734 performances.
June 28th: 1846, the Saxophone was patented by Antoine Joseph Sax.
Thanks for Reading!

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