Saturday, 6 June 2015

The Scottish Tag!


I found this tag through a friend, which I got from So I thought I'd give it ago!

Question 1: Whereabouts in Scotland are you from?
I'm from Edinburgh. I was born in the Simpsons Maternity Hospital, which is now no longer there. I now live in Berwick-upon-Tweed which is 4 miles over the border into England. I try to spend as much time as I can in my real hometown.

Question 2: Where's your favourite place you've been in Scotland?
It may seem bias, but Edinburgh is my favourite place, the city is full of history, life and culture. I do have other favourite places such as Inverness, Aviemore and Creetown. 

 Question 3: Where would you like to visit in Scotland?
My parents took me all over Scotland as a child in our VW Campervan, so there aren't many places I haven't been to. So I'd have to say Shetland or Orkney Islands as I haven't been to either!(Yet I made it to John O'Groats haha!)

Question 4: What is your favourite Scottish film?
 Most Scottish people would say Braveheart or Trainspotting. But for me I have two. My live action favourite is Ring of Bright Water. My Disney Favourite is of course Brave, need I say any more! 

Question 5: Do you match up to any Scottish stereotypes?
I'm not sure if I do. My accent is slightly Scottish, but that is a whole other story.  I do have and addiction for Irn Bru and not just the taste of it. I used to attend Highland Dance Classes when I was younger, but never continued with it. I do like going to Pipe Band Championships and Highland games, as well as listening to the pipes and drums. I do like things that are Tartan and I am very Patriotic, so in that sense I am stereotypically Scottish!

My Irn Bru Beach Towel, see not just the drink!
 Question 6: What is your favourite Scottish food?
My Favourite Scottish food has to be Tablet. It is full of sugar and is soooo bad for you, but it tastes soooo good!! Highland Toffee Bars are awesome too!

Question 7: Do you follow any Scottish traditions?
I do try to follow as many as I can. I always celebrate Burns Nigh and St Andrew's Day. At New year, or Hogmanay I have to sing Auld Lang Syne (Even though every nationality does it now...) Plus I enjoy going to Ceilidhs!

My Haggis Money Box!

Question 8: What is your favourite Scottish word?
 I have so many favourite Scottish words, and it is hard to just pick one. I goes from Numpty to Eejit to Crabbit but I think my favourite has to be Besom, which is what I usually am haha!
Question 9: What is your favourite Scottish song?
It may seem like a typical answer but for me it is either 500 Miles or Sunshine on Leith both by the Proclaimers. But for a more traditional song it is Flower of Scotland.
Question 10: Can you recommend any Scottish you tubers?
I don't know any Scottish You tubers, but I will tag a Scottish-born Blogger and she is my best friend Sarah over at

Thanks for reading!


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