BFF Tag: Tanya!
Hi again, this week the questions have been answered about Tanya, I find that there is nothing more important other than your family, is your closest friends!
(These were answered by Sarah!)
Here we go!
When and how did
we first meet?
I first met Tanya in September 2007 when I started at the local sixth form. We became friends
quickly and haven't had any major fallouts. She's one of my best friends.
2. Who is your best
friend's hero?
This one was tough. At first I spent ages trying to think who her favourite superhero was but then
I thought about the question a different way. I'd have to say Tanya's biggest hero would be her
mum. Her mum goes through a lot every day and Tanya does as much as she can to help her.
3.What is our
favourite food?
Favourite food is nachos or pizza
4. What is your
best friend’s biggest fear?
I really want to say spiders!
If your best
friend were deserted on an island, what are the three things she/he could not
live without?
Her camera to take photos. Her iPhone for music/games/sanity aaaannnd something random like a
bouncy castle lol. Oooo no her cat!!
6.What three
movies does your best friend love the most?
The Harry Potter films (I think number 5 is her favourite) interview with a vampire aaannnnddd
Lord of the rings???
7. Which is your best
friend’s favourite season and why?
Probably summer because it's sunny and warm.
8.If you were out
together, what would your best friend eat?
We usually go the leaping salmon and she usually has a hot dog with cheese and chips
9. Would your best
friend watch a chick-flick, action, comedy or a horror movie?
I think Tanya would pick a horror film.
What is your
favourite inside joke?
Not sure about inside joke. I can't think of any!
What favourite
memory do you have of your BFF?
My favourite memory with Tanya would be the times we used to go to Spittal park while we were
at sixth form!
Does your best
friend have any nicknames?
She usually gets called Tan but for a while she gained the nickname of Tanya Teapot.
Can you describe
your best friend in one word?
Tanya & Sarah!
See you next time! |