My London Adventure!
Part 9: The Tower of London.
Hi! This week I'm taking you to the Tower! This was also the first day out in London on my own! :)
I made my way to Tower Hill on the underground!
I have some info left in my head about the Tower, but not much! So this maybe more photos!
Tower Hill.
Tower Hill is outside of the Tower of London; this is where traitors and criminals were brought to be executed! |
War Memorial, near Tower Hill. |
Tower of London. |
View of the Tower, near the payment office. |
Memorial Poppies. |
Memorial Poppies.
It was such a privilege to see all the ceramic poppies in the moat. There were so many people from all over the world to see them! |
Along the Bank of the Thames. |
Thames entrance to the Tower. |
Traitors Gate. |
The Steps from Traitors Gate.
Prisoners were brought by barge along the Thames, passing under London Bridge, where the heads of recently executed prisoners were displayed on pikes. Queen Anne Boleyn and Sir Thomas More entered the Tower by Traitors' Gate. |
The White Tower.
The White Tower is an old keep that was built by William the Conquer during the 11th Century. The White Tower is also a Concentric Castle.
Inside the White Tower I saw loads of suits of armour that belonged to many different kings, as well as seeing a display of different Monarchs' Swords.
Inside the White Tower is also the Chapel Of St. John.
It is said that if the Ravens left the Tower, then the Kingdom will fall. The Ravens are the guardians of the Tower. |
Jewel House.
As many of you may know, the Crown Jewels are kept at the Tower of London.
Unfortunately, I didn't go into the Jewel House as the queue was way too long! I might get to see them next time.
The Chapel Royal of St. Peter ad Vincula.
In The Chapel Royal of St. Peter ad Vincula there are three Royal Queens buried inside, Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard and Lady Jane Grey. All of these queens were executed on the tower green.
There is a marker on the tower green to mark the place where Anne Boleyn was beheaded, but I didn't get a chance to go near, as again, so many people were crowded around it! |
Tower Green. |
Surgeons House. |
Mint Street.
Mint street is where coins were produced. Under the rule of King Henry VIII local production of coins was brought to an end. The Royal Mint became the only authority for the production of coinage.
I also took a visit to the Bloody Tower, but as this is a Child Friendly Blog, I thought it appropriate not to add any photos from there! |
Me with a Yeoman Warder. (Known as "Beefeaters.")
I made it my mission to get a selfie with a Beefeater and as you can see mission accomplished!!
Visiting the Tower of London was Fantastic, full of history and lovely architecture!!
I think it seemed appropriate to end wit my favourite photo from my day there. (Also because I never noticed it until I got back to Berwick.)
I managed to snap a pic of Prince Harry, Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge!!! |
Prince Harry, Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge!!
That's it for another week!!
x |
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